Part Number: | DAL-3GJ040 |
Capacitance: | 40 uF (mfd / microfarad) |
Voltage: | 370 VAC |
Typically used in: | motor run, HVAC, air conditioning, UPS, refrigerator, general purpose applications |
This part is obsolete and is no longer in production.
A similar part number is available: CBB65-370R406-M3.
Please click the link to see availability and pricing information.
If you need an exact match for this part number or have any questions, please contact us.
Part Number: | DAL-3GJ040 |
Capacitance: | 40 uF (mfd / microfarad) |
Voltage: | 370 VAC |
Typically used in: | motor run, HVAC, air conditioning, UPS, refrigerator, general purpose applications |